FAQ Builder is a simple Perl script faq_builder.pl which transforms ASCII input into nicely formatted FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) layout.
You'll first get a collection of title lines which usually are the questions. These title lines are numbered automagically and are linked to the main section of the FAQ. The main section holds the title lines (questions) and below each title line the content (answer).
You use a char as indicator that a line is a title line (default 'ง').
So you can easily build complex setups like
ง Title1
งง Sub title1.1
Here comes text for sub title1.1
Here comes text for sub title1.1
Here comes text for sub title1.1
งง Sub title1.2
Here comes text for sub title1.2
ง Title2
Here comes text for title2
Simply do a
faq_builder.pl my_ASCII.txt >my_HTML.htmland you get ready formatted HTML text. Using our input sample will give you
You can download faq_builder.pl from the Blinux file archive
(BTW: Blinux deals with support for the Linux user who is blind) as
Check out http://leb.net/blinux/blinux-faq.html
PS: This description was formatted using faq_builder
Hans <hzo@goldfish.cube.net>