#!/bin/bash # simple replacement for lpr -- uses ssh # This script does not filter, so only use it to "lpr" PostScript # files. (use enscript for text) # exercise for the reader: make this script use magicfilter # an unprivileged port you don't use for anything else LOCAL_PORT=10515 # A host that is allowed to connect to your networked printer or # print server, and on which you have an account you can ssh to # without being prompted for a password (see man ssh-agent) HOST=capsicum.zgp.org # Name of your printer or printer server PRINTER=treekiller.sandbox.zgp.org # How long to leave the connection up. If this script fails for you, # try increasing this SLEEP=5 # Here's the fun part: we open up a port for forwarding, put ssh in # the background as soon as it's authenticated, and sleep to give # rlpr a chance to connect ssh -fL ${LOCAL_PORT}:${PRINTER}:515 $HOST sleep $SLEEP && /usr/bin/rlpr --send-data-first --printhost localhost --port $LOCAL_PORT $* # you might not have to use --send-data-first, but we had to for # an older Hewlett-Packard LaserJet. # This last line makes sure the script does not exit until LOCAL_PORT # is available to use again sleep $SLEEP ========= SNIP HERE ----- %~ Capture Those Errors %%~ (Thanks to the GAR project: http://www.lnx-bbc.org/README.html for the tip.) If you have a lengthy command-line task, such as building complicated software, and need to catch an error that whizzes by in the middle, use script. It will run a shell and log all input and output to a file called "typescript" that you can then search or submit with a bug report. ------ %~ Dave's Not Here %~ The vacation program lets you send an automatic message when you'll be away from your e-mail. You can see who received your message with