keycode 79=7 keycode 80=8 keycode 81=9 keycode 83=4 keycode 84=5 keycode 85=6 keycode 86=plus keycode 87=1 keycode 88=2 keycode 89=3 keycode 90=0 keycode 91=period keycode 77=Escape ======== SNIP HERE The last line takes the now-useless Num Lock key and makes it an extra Escape key. If your favorite accounting software uses one of the F keys frequently, you might prefer that. The number to the left of the equals sign is an X "keycode", the key on the keyboard you pressed, and the number or name to the right is an X "keysym", the character or function X thinks it is. You don't have to look these up in some X manual. To find out the keycode and keysym for any key, run xev in an xterm, move the mouse to the small white xev window and watch the keycodes and keysyms scroll by in the xterm. ----- %~ SSH a little too forward, use more keys %%~ If you'd like to do SSH port forwarding with a passphrase, but require a passphrase to run commands, make a separate key for port forwarding only. Dramatis personae