30.13. Compile to install Webmail IMP

To install the Webmail IMP program on your server, please follow the simple steps below.

  1. Copy horde-1.2.0-pre11.tar.gz to your web servers DocumentRoot, /home/httpd/, untar it and move the directory from horde-version to horde by executing the following commands:
                [root@deep ] /# cp horde-version.tar.gz /home/httpd/
                [root@deep ] /# cd /home/httpd/
                [root@deep ] /httpd# tar xzpf horde-version.tar.gz
                [root@deep ] /httpd# mv horde-version horde
                [root@deep ] /httpd# rm -f  horde-version.tar.gz
    We remove the tar archive of Horde once we have finished moving the horde-version directory of Horde to its new name horde.

  2. Copy imp-2.2.0-pre11.tar.gz to your new horde directory, /home/httpd/horde/, untar it and move the directory from imp-version to imp by executing the following commands:
                [root@deep ] /# cp imp-version.tar.gz /home/httpd/horde/
                [root@deep ] /# cd /home/httpd/horde/
                [root@deep ] /horde# tar xzpf imp-version.tar.gz
                [root@deep ] /horde# mv imp-version imp
                [root@deep ] /horde# rm -f  imp-version.tar.gz

    Important: It's important that the directory imp reside inside horde directory, or Webmail will not work. We remove the tar archive of IMP once we have finished moving the imp-version directory of IMP to its new name imp.

  3. Change the horde directory and all its subdirectories and files to be owned by the super-user root for security reasons.
                [root@deep ] /# chown -R 0.0 /home/httpd/horde/

  4. Copy the /home/httpd/horde/phplib/*.ihtml files to your new php directory, /home/httpd/php/ by executing the following commands:
                [root@deep ] /# cp /home/httpd/horde/phplib/*.ihtml /home/httpd/php/