Installing Emacspeak HOWTO

Jennifer Jobst

James Van Zandt

Revision History
Revision 1.1July 23, 2002SDS
Updated the maintainer of this document to Sharon Snider, corrected links, and converted to XML.
Revision 1.0December 4, 2001JEJ
First release
Revision 1.0 DRAFTNovember 9, 2001JEJ
Revision Emacspeak HOWTO1996-2001JVZ
Previously, this document was known as the Emacspeak HOWTO, and was written and maintained by Mr. James Van Zandt.


This document contains the installation instructions for the Emacspeak audio desktop application for Linux.

Please send any comments, or contributions via e-mail to Sharon Snider. This document will be updated regularly with new contributions and suggestions.

Table of Contents

1. Legal Notice
2. Introduction
3. Documentation Conventions
4. Requirements
4.1. Linux Distributions
4.2. Emacs
4.3. Background applications
4.4. Speech Synthesizers
5. Installing Emacspeak
6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
7. Additional resources
8. Appendix A: Installing Linux from a DOS machine
8.1. Requirments
8.2. Connecting the computers
8.3. Installation
9. Appendix B: Installing ViaVoice TTS
9.1. Downloading ViaVoice
9.2. Installing ViaVoice RTK
9.3. Installing ViaVoice SDK
9.4. Testing the installation
10. Acknowledgments