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Firewall and Proxy Server HOWTO

Mark Grennan,

v0.80, Feb. 26, 2000
This document is designed to describe the basics of firewall systems and give you some detail on setting up both a filtering and proxy firewall on a Linux based system. An HTML version of this document is available at

1. Introduction

2. Understanding Firewalls

3. Firewall Architecture

4. Setting up the Linux Filtering Firewall

5. Software requirements

6. Preparing the Linux system

7. IP filtering setup (IPFWADM)

8. IP filtering setup (IPCHAINS)

9. Installing a Transparent SQUID proxy

10. Installing the TIS Proxy server

11. The SOCKS Proxy Server

12. Advanced Configurations

13. Making Management Easy

14. Defeating a Proxy Firewall Just to spoil your day, and keep you on your toes about security, I'll describe how easy it is to defeat a proxy firewall. Now that you have done everything in this document and have a very secure server and network. You have a DMZ and no one can get into your network and you are logging every connection made to the outside world. You make all your users go through a proxy and no one can go directly to the Internet. Then one of your users, with a didacated connection of his own, finds out about

15. APPENDEX A - Example Scripts

16. APPENDEX B - An VPN RC Script for RedHat

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