9. Conventions used in this document

The following typographic and usage conventions occur in this text:

Table 1. Typographic and usage conventions

Text typeMeaning
Quoted text Quotes from people, quoted computer output.
terminal view
Literal computer input and output captured from the terminal, usually rendered with a light grey background.
command Name of a command that can be entered on the command line.
VARIABLE Name of a variable or pointer to content of a variable, as in $VARNAME.
option Option to a command, as in the -a option to the ls command.
argument Argument to a command, as in read man ls .
prompt User prompt, usually followed by a command that you type in a terminal window, like in hilda@home> ls -l

command options arguments

Command synopsis or general usage, on a separated line.
filename Name of a file or directory, for example Change to the /usr/bin directory.
Key Keys to hit on the keyboard, such as type Q to quit.
Button Graphical button to click, like the OK button.
MenuChoice Choice to select from a graphical menu, for instance: SelectHelpAbout Mozilla in your browser.
Terminology Important term or concept: The Linux kernel is the heart of the system.
The backslash in a terminal view or command synopsis indicates an unfinished line. In other words, if you see a long command that is cut into multiple lines, \ means Don't press Enter yet!
See Chapter 1, What is Linux? link to related subject within this guide.
The author Clickable link to an external web resource.

The following images are used:

This is a note

It contains additional information or remarks.

This is a caution

It means be careful.

This is a warning

Be very careful.

This is a tip

Tips and tricks.