5.4. Tuning TCP/IP performance

Setting the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of a network interface can be used to tune performance over a TCP/IP link. The MTU is used to set the maximum size of a packet that goes out on the wire. If data is set to go out that is larger than the MTU, the packet is broken up into smaller packets. This can take up some processing time to create the Ethernet packets, and decreases bandwidth. Ethernet has a set number of bytes it adds on to a packet, no matter the size. Larger packets will have a smaller percentage of overhead used up by the Ethernet header. On the other hand, smaller packets is better for latency, since TCP/IP will wait for the MTU to be filled, or a timeout to occur before sending a packet of data. In the event of an interactive TCP/IP connection (such as telnet or ssh), the user does not want to wait long for their packet to make it from their machine to the remote machine. Smaller MTUs make sure the packet size is met earlier and the packet goes out quickly.

In addition, MTUs also have to fit into the size of the medium the packet is running over. Ethernet has a maximum packet size of ??WHATISIT??, counting the Ethernet header packets. Asynchronous Transfer Mode, or ATM, has a very small MTU, on the order of a few bytes. By default, Ethernet TCP/IP connections have a MTU of 1500 bytes. The MTU can be set using ifconfig:

# ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500

It is recommended to leave the MTU at the maximum number, since almost all non-interactive TCP/IP applications will transfer more than 1500 bytes per session, and a bit of latency for interactive applications is more an annoyance than an actual performance bottleneck.

When using Domain Name Servers (DNS), you may run into cases where DNS resolution is a performance bottleneck. We will get into this more in Section 7.5, but some applications recommend for best performance to log the raw TCP/IP addresses that come in and do not try to resolve it to a name. For security reasons, you may want to change this so you can quickly find out what machine is trying to break into your web server. This decision is left to you, the administrator, as part of the never-ending balance between performance and security. A potential fix for this is to run a caching name server locally to store often-used TCP/IP addresses and name, and leave the real DNS serving to another machine.

Applications like ping will sometimes appear to fail if DNS is not configured properly, even if you try to ping a TCP/IP address instead of using the name. The solution to this and other TCP/IP management applications, is to find the option that prevents resolution of names or TCP/IP addresses. For ping, this is to give the -n option.

# ping -n