Chapter 27. Arrays

Newer versions of Bash support one-dimensional arrays. Array elements may be initialized with the variable[xx] notation. Alternatively, a script may introduce the entire array by an explicit declare -a variable statement. To dereference (retrieve the contents of) an array element, use curly bracket notation, that is, ${element[xx]}.

Example 27.1. Simple array usage



#  Array members need not be consecutive or contiguous.

#  Some members of the array can be left uninitialized.
#  Gaps in the array are okay.
#  In fact, arrays with sparse data ("sparse arrays")
#+ are useful in spreadsheet-processing software.

echo -n "area[11] = "
echo ${area[11]}    #  {curly brackets} needed.

echo -n "area[13] = "
echo ${area[13]}

echo "Contents of area[51] are ${area[51]}."

# Contents of uninitialized array variable print blank (null variable).
echo -n "area[43] = "
echo ${area[43]}
echo "(area[43] unassigned)"


# Sum of two array variables assigned to third
area[5]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[13]}`
echo "area[5] = area[11] + area[13]"
echo -n "area[5] = "
echo ${area[5]}

area[6]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[51]}`
echo "area[6] = area[11] + area[51]"
echo -n "area[6] = "
echo ${area[6]}
# This fails because adding an integer to a string is not permitted.

echo; echo; echo

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Another array, "area2".
# Another way of assigning array variables...
# array_name=( XXX YYY ZZZ ... )

area2=( zero one two three four )

echo -n "area2[0] = "
echo ${area2[0]}
# Aha, zero-based indexing (first element of array is [0], not [1]).

echo -n "area2[1] = "
echo ${area2[1]}    # [1] is second element of array.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

echo; echo; echo

# -----------------------------------------------
# Yet another array, "area3".
# Yet another way of assigning array variables...
# array_name=([xx]=XXX [yy]=YYY ...)

area3=([17]=seventeen [24]=twenty-four)

echo -n "area3[17] = "
echo ${area3[17]}

echo -n "area3[24] = "
echo ${area3[24]}
# -----------------------------------------------

exit 0

As we have seen, a convenient way of initializing an entire array is the array=( element1 element2 ... elementN ) notation.

base64_charset=( {A..Z} {a..z} {0..9} + / = )
               #  Using extended brace expansion
               #+ to initialize the elements of the array.                
               #  Excerpted from vladz's "" script
               #+ in the "Contributed Scripts" appendix.

Example 27.2. Formatting a poem

# Pretty-prints one of the ABS Guide author's favorite poems.

# Lines of the poem (single stanza).
Line[1]="I do not know which to prefer,"
Line[2]="The beauty of inflections"
Line[3]="Or the beauty of innuendoes,"
Line[4]="The blackbird whistling"
Line[5]="Or just after."
# Note that quoting permits embedding whitespace.

# Attribution.
Attrib[1]=" Wallace Stevens"
Attrib[2]="\"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird\""
# This poem is in the Public Domain (copyright expired).


tput bold   # Bold print.

for index in 1 2 3 4 5    # Five lines.
  printf "     %s\n" "${Line[index]}"

for index in 1 2          # Two attribution lines.
  printf "          %s\n" "${Attrib[index]}"

tput sgr0   # Reset terminal.
            # See 'tput' docs.


exit 0

# Exercise:
# --------
# Modify this script to pretty-print a poem from a text data file.

Array variables have a syntax all their own, and even standard Bash commands and operators have special options adapted for array use.

Example 27.3. Various array operations

# More fun with arrays.

array=( zero one two three four five )
# Element 0   1   2    3     4    5

echo ${array[0]}       #  zero
echo ${array:0}        #  zero
                       #  Parameter expansion of first element,
                       #+ starting at position # 0 (1st character).
echo ${array:1}        #  ero
                       #  Parameter expansion of first element,
                       #+ starting at position # 1 (2nd character).

echo "--------------"

echo ${#array[0]}      #  4
                       #  Length of first element of array.
echo ${#array}         #  4
                       #  Length of first element of array.
                       #  (Alternate notation)

echo ${#array[1]}      #  3
                       #  Length of second element of array.
                       #  Arrays in Bash have zero-based indexing.

echo ${#array[*]}      #  6
                       #  Number of elements in array.
echo ${#array[@]}      #  6
                       #  Number of elements in array.

echo "--------------"

array2=( [0]="first element" [1]="second element" [3]="fourth element" )
#            ^     ^       ^     ^      ^       ^     ^      ^       ^
# Quoting permits embedding whitespace within individual array elements.

echo ${array2[0]}      # first element
echo ${array2[1]}      # second element
echo ${array2[2]}      #
                       # Skipped in initialization, and therefore null.
echo ${array2[3]}      # fourth element
echo ${#array2[0]}     # 13    (length of first element)
echo ${#array2[*]}     # 3     (number of elements in array)


Many of the standard string operations work on arrays.

Example 27.4. String operations on arrays

# String operations on arrays.

# Script by Michael Zick.
# Used in ABS Guide with permission.
# Fixups: 05 May 08, 04 Aug 08.

#  In general, any string operation using the ${name ... } notation
#+ can be applied to all string elements in an array,
#+ with the ${name[@] ... } or ${name[*] ...} notation.

arrayZ=( one two three four five five )


# Trailing Substring Extraction
echo ${arrayZ[@]:0}     # one two three four five five
#                ^        All elements.

echo ${arrayZ[@]:1}     # two three four five five
#                ^        All elements following element[0].

echo ${arrayZ[@]:1:2}   # two three
#                  ^      Only the two elements after element[0].

echo "---------"

# Substring Removal

# Removes shortest match from front of string(s).

echo ${arrayZ[@]#f*r}   # one two three five five
#               ^       # Applied to all elements of the array.
                        # Matches "four" and removes it.

# Longest match from front of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]##t*e}  # one two four five five
#               ^^      # Applied to all elements of the array.
                        # Matches "three" and removes it.

# Shortest match from back of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]%h*e}   # one two t four five five
#               ^       # Applied to all elements of the array.
                        # Matches "hree" and removes it.

# Longest match from back of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]%%t*e}  # one two four five five
#               ^^      # Applied to all elements of the array.
                        # Matches "three" and removes it.

echo "----------------------"

# Substring Replacement

# Replace first occurrence of substring with replacement.
echo ${arrayZ[@]/fiv/XYZ}   # one two three four XYZe XYZe
#               ^           # Applied to all elements of the array.

# Replace all occurrences of substring.
echo ${arrayZ[@]//iv/YY}    # one two three four fYYe fYYe
                            # Applied to all elements of the array.

# Delete all occurrences of substring.
# Not specifing a replacement defaults to 'delete' ...
echo ${arrayZ[@]//fi/}      # one two three four ve ve
#               ^^          # Applied to all elements of the array.

# Replace front-end occurrences of substring.
echo ${arrayZ[@]/#fi/XY}    # one two three four XYve XYve
#                ^          # Applied to all elements of the array.

# Replace back-end occurrences of substring.
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%ve/ZZ}    # one two three four fiZZ fiZZ
#                ^          # Applied to all elements of the array.

echo ${arrayZ[@]/%o/XX}     # one twXX three four five five
#                ^          # Why?

echo "-----------------------------"

replacement() {
    echo -n "!!!"

echo ${arrayZ[@]/%e/$(replacement)}
#                ^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# on!!! two thre!!! four fiv!!! fiv!!!
# The stdout of replacement() is the replacement string.
# Q.E.D: The replacement action is, in effect, an 'assignment.'

echo "------------------------------------"

#  Accessing the "for-each":
echo ${arrayZ[@]//*/$(replacement optional_arguments)}
#                ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

#  Now, if Bash would only pass the matched string
#+ to the function being called . . .


exit 0

#  Before reaching for a Big Hammer -- Perl, Python, or all the rest --
#  recall:
#    $( ... ) is command substitution.
#    A function runs as a sub-process.
#    A function writes its output (if echo-ed) to stdout.
#    Assignment, in conjunction with "echo" and command substitution,
#+   can read a function's stdout.
#    The name[@] notation specifies (the equivalent of) a "for-each"
#+   operation.
#  Bash is more powerful than you think!

Command substitution can construct the individual elements of an array.

Example 27.5. Loading the contents of a script into an array

# Loads this script into an array.
# Inspired by an e-mail from Chris Martin (thanks!).

script_contents=( $(cat "$0") )  #  Stores contents of this script ($0)
                                 #+ in an array.

for element in $(seq 0 $((${#script_contents[@]} - 1)))
  do                #  ${#script_contents[@]}
                    #+ gives number of elements in the array.
                    #  Question:
                    #  Why is  seq 0  necessary?
                    #  Try changing it to seq 1.
  echo -n "${script_contents[$element]}"
                    # List each field of this script on a single line.
# echo -n "${script_contents[element]}" also works because of ${ ... }.
  echo -n " -- "    # Use " -- " as a field separator.


exit 0

# Exercise:
# --------
#  Modify this script so it lists itself
#+ in its original format,
#+ complete with whitespace, line breaks, etc.

In an array context, some Bash builtins have a slightly altered meaning. For example, unset deletes array elements, or even an entire array.

Example 27.6. Some special properties of arrays


declare -a colors
#  All subsequent commands in this script will treat
#+ the variable "colors" as an array.

echo "Enter your favorite colors (separated from each other by a space)."

read -a colors    # Enter at least 3 colors to demonstrate features below.
#  Special option to 'read' command,
#+ allowing assignment of elements in an array.


# Special syntax to extract number of elements in array.
#     element_count=${#colors[*]} works also.
#  The "@" variable allows word splitting within quotes
#+ (extracts variables separated by whitespace).
#  This corresponds to the behavior of "$@" and "$*"
#+ in positional parameters. 


while [ "$index" -lt "$element_count" ]
do    # List all the elements in the array.
  echo ${colors[$index]}
  #    ${colors[index]} also works because it's within ${ ... } brackets.
  let "index = $index + 1"
  # Or:
  #    ((index++))
# Each array element listed on a separate line.
# If this is not desired, use  echo -n "${colors[$index]} "
# Doing it with a "for" loop instead:
#   for i in "${colors[@]}"
#   do
#     echo "$i"
#   done
# (Thanks, S.C.)


# Again, list all the elements in the array, but using a more elegant method.
  echo ${colors[@]}          # echo ${colors[*]} also works.


# The "unset" command deletes elements of an array, or entire array.
unset colors[1]              # Remove 2nd element of array.
                             # Same effect as   colors[1]=
echo  ${colors[@]}           # List array again, missing 2nd element.

unset colors                 # Delete entire array.
                             #  unset colors[*] and
                             #+ unset colors[@] also work.
echo; echo -n "Colors gone."			   
echo ${colors[@]}            # List array again, now empty.

exit 0

As seen in the previous example, either ${array_name[@]} or ${array_name[*]} refers to all the elements of the array. Similarly, to get a count of the number of elements in an array, use either ${#array_name[@]} or ${#array_name[*]}. ${#array_name} is the length (number of characters) of ${array_name[0]}, the first element of the array.

Example 27.7. Of empty arrays and empty elements


#  Thanks to Stephane Chazelas for the original example,
#+ and to Michael Zick and Omair Eshkenazi, for extending it.
#  And to Nathan Coulter for clarifications and corrections.

# An empty array is not the same as an array with empty elements.

  array0=( first second third )
  array1=( '' )   # "array1" consists of one empty element.
  array2=( )      # No elements . . . "array2" is empty.
  array3=(   )    # What about this array?

echo "Elements in array0:  ${array0[@]}"
echo "Elements in array1:  ${array1[@]}"
echo "Elements in array2:  ${array2[@]}"
echo "Elements in array3:  ${array3[@]}"
echo "Length of first element in array0 = ${#array0}"
echo "Length of first element in array1 = ${#array1}"
echo "Length of first element in array2 = ${#array2}"
echo "Length of first element in array3 = ${#array3}"
echo "Number of elements in array0 = ${#array0[*]}"  # 3
echo "Number of elements in array1 = ${#array1[*]}"  # 1  (Surprise!)
echo "Number of elements in array2 = ${#array2[*]}"  # 0
echo "Number of elements in array3 = ${#array3[*]}"  # 0

# ===================================================================


# Try extending those arrays.

# Adding an element to an array.
array0=( "${array0[@]}" "new1" )
array1=( "${array1[@]}" "new1" )
array2=( "${array2[@]}" "new1" )
array3=( "${array3[@]}" "new1" )


# or


# When extended as above, arrays are 'stacks' ...
# Above is the 'push' ...
# The stack 'height' is:
echo "Stack height for array2 = $height"

# The 'pop' is:
unset array2[${#array2[@]}-1]   #  Arrays are zero-based,
height=${#array2[@]}            #+ which means first element has index 0.
echo "POP"
echo "New stack height for array2 = $height"


# List only 2nd and 3rd elements of array0.
from=1		    # Zero-based numbering.
array3=( ${array0[@]:1:2} )
echo "Elements in array3:  ${array3[@]}"

# Works like a string (array of characters).
# Try some other "string" forms.

# Replacement:
array4=( ${array0[@]/second/2nd} )
echo "Elements in array4:  ${array4[@]}"

# Replace all matching wildcarded string.
array5=( ${array0[@]//new?/old} )
echo "Elements in array5:  ${array5[@]}"

# Just when you are getting the feel for this . . .
array6=( ${array0[@]#*new} )
echo # This one might surprise you.
echo "Elements in array6:  ${array6[@]}"

array7=( ${array0[@]#new1} )
echo # After array6 this should not be a surprise.
echo "Elements in array7:  ${array7[@]}"

# Which looks a lot like . . .
array8=( ${array0[@]/new1/} )
echo "Elements in array8:  ${array8[@]}"

#  So what can one say about this?

#  The string operations are performed on
#+ each of the elements in var[@] in succession.
#  Therefore : Bash supports string vector operations.
#  If the result is a zero length string,
#+ that element disappears in the resulting assignment.
#  However, if the expansion is in quotes, the null elements remain.

#  Michael Zick:    Question, are those strings hard or soft quotes?
#  Nathan Coulter:  There is no such thing as "soft quotes."
#!    What's really happening is that
#!+   the pattern matching happens after
#!+   all the other expansions of [word]
#!+   in cases like ${parameter#word}.

array9=( ${array0[@]/$zap/} )
echo "Number of elements in array9:  ${#array9[@]}"
array9=( "${array0[@]/$zap/}" )
echo "Elements in array9:  ${array9[@]}"
# This time the null elements remain.
echo "Number of elements in array9:  ${#array9[@]}"

# Just when you thought you were still in Kansas . . .
array10=( ${array0[@]#$zap} )
echo "Elements in array10:  ${array10[@]}"
# But, the asterisk in zap won't be interpreted if quoted.
array10=( ${array0[@]#"$zap"} )
echo "Elements in array10:  ${array10[@]}"
# Well, maybe we _are_ still in Kansas . . .
# (Revisions to above code block by Nathan Coulter.)

#  Compare array7 with array10.
#  Compare array8 with array9.

#  Reiterating: No such thing as soft quotes!
#  Nathan Coulter explains:
#  Pattern matching of 'word' in ${parameter#word} is done after
#+ parameter expansion and *before* quote removal.
#  In the normal case, pattern matching is done *after* quote removal.

The relationship of ${array_name[@]} and ${array_name[*]} is analogous to that between $@ and $*. This powerful array notation has a number of uses.

# Copying an array.
array2=( "${array1[@]}" )
# or
#  However, this fails with "sparse" arrays,
#+ arrays with holes (missing elements) in them,
#+ as Jochen DeSmet points out.
# ------------------------------------------
# array1[1] not assigned
  array2=( "${array1[@]}" )       # Copy it?

echo ${array2[0]}      # 0
echo ${array2[2]}      # (null), should be 2
# ------------------------------------------

# Adding an element to an array.
array=( "${array[@]}" "new element" )
# or
array[${#array[*]}]="new element"

# Thanks, S.C.


The array=( element1 element2 ... elementN ) initialization operation, with the help of command substitution, makes it possible to load the contents of a text file into an array.



#            cat sample_file
#            1 a b c
#            2 d e fg

declare -a array1

array1=( `cat "$filename"`)                #  Loads contents
#         List file to stdout              #+ of $filename into array1.
#  array1=( `cat "$filename" | tr '\n' ' '`)
#                            change linefeeds in file to spaces. 
#  Not necessary because Bash does word splitting,
#+ changing linefeeds to spaces.

echo ${array1[@]}            # List the array.
#                              1 a b c 2 d e fg
#  Each whitespace-separated "word" in the file
#+ has been assigned to an element of the array.

echo $element_count          # 8

Clever scripting makes it possible to add array operations.

Example 27.8. Initializing arrays

#! /bin/bash
# array-assign.bash

#  Array operations are Bash-specific,
#+ hence the ".bash" in the script name.

# Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved.
# License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
# Version: $ID$
# Clarification and additional comments by William Park.

#  Based on an example provided by Stephane Chazelas
#+ which appeared in an earlier version of the
#+ Advanced Bash Scripting Guide.

# Output format of the 'times' command:
# User CPU <space> System CPU
# User CPU of dead children <space> System CPU of dead children

#  Bash has two versions of assigning all elements of an array
#+ to a new array variable.
#  Both drop 'null reference' elements
#+ in Bash versions 2.04 and later.
#  An additional array assignment that maintains the relationship of
#+ [subscript]=value for arrays may be added to newer versions.

#  Constructs a large array using an internal command,
#+ but anything creating an array of several thousand elements
#+ will do just fine.

declare -a bigOne=( /dev/* )  # All the files in /dev . . .
echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of'
echo "Number of elements in array is ${#bigOne[@]}"

# set -vx

echo '- - testing: =( ${array[@]} ) - -'
declare -a bigTwo=( ${bigOne[@]} )
# Note parens:    ^              ^

echo '- - testing: =${array[@]} - -'
declare -a bigThree=${bigOne[@]}
# No parentheses this time.

#  Comparing the numbers shows that the second form, pointed out
#+ by Stephane Chazelas, is faster.
#  As William Park explains:
#+ The bigTwo array assigned element by element (because of parentheses),
#+ whereas bigThree assigned as a single string.
#  So, in essence, you have:
#                   bigTwo=( [0]="..." [1]="..." [2]="..." ... )
#                   bigThree=( [0]="... ... ..." )
#  Verify this by:  echo ${bigTwo[0]}
#                   echo ${bigThree[0]}

#  I will continue to use the first form in my example descriptions
#+ because I think it is a better illustration of what is happening.

#  The reusable portions of my examples will actual contain
#+ the second form where appropriate because of the speedup.

# MSZ: Sorry about that earlier oversight folks.

#  Note:
#  ----
#  The "declare -a" statements in lines 32 and 44
#+ are not strictly necessary, since it is implicit
#+ in the  Array=( ... )  assignment form.
#  However, eliminating these declarations slows down
#+ the execution of the following sections of the script.
#  Try it, and see.

exit 0


Adding a superfluous declare -a statement to an array declaration may speed up execution of subsequent operations on the array.

Example 27.9. Copying and concatenating arrays

#! /bin/bash
# This script written by Michael Zick.
# Used here with permission.

#  How-To "Pass by Name & Return by Name"
#+ or "Building your own assignment statement".

CpArray_Mac() {

# Assignment Command Statement Builder

    echo -n 'eval '
    echo -n "$2"                    # Destination name
    echo -n '=( ${'
    echo -n "$1"                    # Source name
    echo -n '[@]} )'

# That could all be a single command.
# Matter of style only.

declare -f CopyArray                # Function "Pointer"
CopyArray=CpArray_Mac               # Statement Builder


# Hype the array named $1.
# (Splice it together with array containing "Really Rocks".)
# Return in array named $2.

    local -a TMP
    local -a hype=( Really Rocks )

    $($CopyArray $1 TMP)
    TMP=( ${TMP[@]} ${hype[@]} )
    $($CopyArray TMP $2)

declare -a before=( Advanced Bash Scripting )
declare -a after

echo "Array Before = ${before[@]}"

Hype before after

echo "Array After = ${after[@]}"

# Too much hype?

echo "What ${after[@]:3:2}?"

declare -a modest=( ${after[@]:2:1} ${after[@]:3:2} )
#                    ---- substring extraction ----

echo "Array Modest = ${modest[@]}"

# What happened to 'before' ?

echo "Array Before = ${before[@]}"

exit 0

Example 27.10. More on concatenating arrays

#! /bin/bash
# array-append.bash

# Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved.
# License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
# Version: $ID$
# Slightly modified in formatting by M.C.

# Array operations are Bash-specific.
# Legacy UNIX /bin/sh lacks equivalents.

#  Pipe the output of this script to 'more'
#+ so it doesn't scroll off the terminal.
#  Or, redirect output to a file.

declare -a array1=( zero1 one1 two1 )
# Subscript packed.
declare -a array2=( [0]=zero2 [2]=two2 [3]=three2 )
# Subscript sparse -- [1] is not defined.

echo '- Confirm that the array is really subscript sparse. -'
echo "Number of elements: 4"        # Hard-coded for illustration.
for (( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ))
    echo "Element [$i]: ${array2[$i]}"
# See also the more general code example in basics-reviewed.bash.

declare -a dest

# Combine (append) two arrays into a third array.
echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of operator'
echo '- Undefined elements not present, subscripts not maintained. -'
# # The undefined elements do not exist; they are not being dropped.

dest=( ${array1[@]} ${array2[@]} )
# dest=${array1[@]}${array2[@]}     # Strange results, possibly a bug.

# Now, list the result.
echo '- - Testing Array Append - -'

echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
    echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}"

# Assign an array to a single array element (twice).

# List the result.
echo '- - Testing modified array - -'

echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
    echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}"

# Examine the modified second element.
echo '- - Reassign and list second element - -'

declare -a subArray=${dest[1]}

echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
    echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}"

#  The assignment of an entire array to a single element
#+ of another array using the '=${ ... }' array assignment
#+ has converted the array being assigned into a string,
#+ with the elements separated by a space (the first character of IFS).

# If the original elements didn't contain whitespace . . .
# If the original array isn't subscript sparse . . .
# Then we could get the original array structure back again.

# Restore from the modified second element.
echo '- - Listing restored element - -'

declare -a subArray=( ${dest[1]} )

echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
    echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}"
echo '- - Do not depend on this behavior. - -'
echo '- - This behavior is subject to change - -'
echo '- - in versions of Bash newer than version 2.05b - -'

# MSZ: Sorry about any earlier confusion folks.

exit 0


Arrays permit deploying old familiar algorithms as shell scripts. Whether this is necessarily a good idea is left for the reader to decide.

Example 27.11. The Bubble Sort

# Bubble sort, of sorts.

# Recall the algorithm for a bubble sort. In this particular version...

#  With each successive pass through the array to be sorted,
#+ compare two adjacent elements, and swap them if out of order.
#  At the end of the first pass, the "heaviest" element has sunk to bottom.
#  At the end of the second pass, the next "heaviest" one has sunk next to bottom.
#  And so forth.
#  This means that each successive pass needs to traverse less of the array.
#  You will therefore notice a speeding up in the printing of the later passes.

  # Swaps two members of the array.
  local temp=${Countries[$1]} #  Temporary storage
                              #+ for element getting swapped out.

declare -a Countries  #  Declare array,
                      #+ optional here since it's initialized below.

#  Is it permissable to split an array variable over multiple lines
#+ using an escape (\)?
#  Yes.

Countries=(Netherlands Ukraine Zaire Turkey Russia Yemen Syria \
Brazil Argentina Nicaragua Japan Mexico Venezuela Greece England \
Israel Peru Canada Oman Denmark Wales France Kenya \
Xanadu Qatar Liechtenstein Hungary)

# "Xanadu" is the mythical place where, according to Coleridge,
#+ Kubla Khan did a pleasure dome decree.

clear                      # Clear the screen to start with. 

echo "0: ${Countries[*]}"  # List entire array at pass 0.

let "comparisons = $number_of_elements - 1"

count=1 # Pass number.

while [ "$comparisons" -gt 0 ]          # Beginning of outer loop

  index=0  # Reset index to start of array after each pass.

  while [ "$index" -lt "$comparisons" ] # Beginning of inner loop
    if [ ${Countries[$index]} \> ${Countries[`expr $index + 1`]} ]
    #  If out of order...
    #  Recalling that \> is ASCII comparison operator
    #+ within single brackets.

    #  if [[ ${Countries[$index]} > ${Countries[`expr $index + 1`]} ]]
    #+ also works.
      exchange $index `expr $index + 1`  # Swap.
    let "index += 1"  # Or,   index+=1   on Bash, ver. 3.1 or newer.
  done # End of inner loop

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao suggests for-loops as a simpler altenative.
# for (( last = $number_of_elements - 1 ; last > 0 ; last-- ))
##                     Fix by C.Y. Hunt          ^   (Thanks!)
# do
#     for (( i = 0 ; i < last ; i++ ))
#     do
#         [[ "${Countries[$i]}" > "${Countries[$((i+1))]}" ]] \
#             && exchange $i $((i+1))
#     done
# done
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

let "comparisons -= 1" #  Since "heaviest" element bubbles to bottom,
                       #+ we need do one less comparison each pass.

echo "$count: ${Countries[@]}"  # Print resultant array at end of each pass.
let "count += 1"                # Increment pass count.

done                            # End of outer loop
                                # All done.

exit 0


Is it possible to nest arrays within arrays?

# "Nested" array.

#  Michael Zick provided this example,
#+ with corrections and clarifications by William Park.

AnArray=( $(ls --inode --ignore-backups --almost-all \
	--directory --full-time --color=none --time=status \
	--sort=time -l ${PWD} ) )  # Commands and options.

# Spaces are significant . . . and don't quote anything in the above.

SubArray=( ${AnArray[@]:11:1}  ${AnArray[@]:6:5} )
#  This array has six elements:
#+     SubArray=( [0]=${AnArray[11]} [1]=${AnArray[6]} [2]=${AnArray[7]}
#      [3]=${AnArray[8]} [4]=${AnArray[9]} [5]=${AnArray[10]} )
#  Arrays in Bash are (circularly) linked lists
#+ of type string (char *).
#  So, this isn't actually a nested array,
#+ but it's functionally similar.

echo "Current directory and date of last status change:"
echo "${SubArray[@]}"

exit 0


Embedded arrays in combination with indirect references create some fascinating possibilities

Example 27.12. Embedded arrays and indirect references

# Embedded arrays and indirect references.

# This script by Dennis Leeuw.
# Used with permission.
# Modified by document author.


        STRING="VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 VAR3=value3"
)       # Embed ARRAY1 within this second array.

function print () {
        IFS=$'\n'       #  To print each array element
                        #+ on a separate line.
        local ${!TEST1} # See what happens if you delete this line.
        #  Indirect reference.
	#  This makes the components of $TEST1
	#+ accessible to this function.

        #  Let's see what we've got so far.
        echo "\$TEST1 = $TEST1"       #  Just the name of the variable.
        echo; echo
        echo "{\$TEST1} = ${!TEST1}"  #  Contents of the variable.
                                      #  That's what an indirect
                                      #+ reference does.
        echo "-------------------------------------------"; echo

        # Print variable
        echo "Variable VARIABLE: $VARIABLE"
        # Print a string element
        local ${!TEST2}      # Indirect reference (as above).
        echo "String element VAR2: $VAR2 from STRING"

        # Print an array element
        local ${!TEST2}      # Indirect reference (as above).
        echo "Array element VAR1_1: $VAR1_1 from ARRAY21"


exit 0

#   As the author of the script notes,
#+ "you can easily expand it to create named-hashes in bash."
#   (Difficult) exercise for the reader: implement this.


Arrays enable implementing a shell script version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Of course, a resource-intensive application of this nature should really be written in a compiled language, such as C. It runs excruciatingly slowly as a script.

Example 27.13. The Sieve of Eratosthenes

# (

# Sieve of Eratosthenes
# Ancient algorithm for finding prime numbers.

#  This runs a couple of orders of magnitude slower
#+ than the equivalent program written in C.

LOWER_LIMIT=1       # Starting with 1.
UPPER_LIMIT=1000    # Up to 1000.
# (You may set this higher . . . if you have time on your hands.)


# Optimization:
# Need to test numbers only halfway to upper limit. Why?

declare -a Primes
# Primes[] is an array.

initialize ()
# Initialize the array.

until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ]
  let "i += 1"
#  Assume all array members guilty (prime)
#+ until proven innocent.

print_primes ()
# Print out the members of the Primes[] array tagged as prime.


until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ]

  if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ]
    printf "%8d" $i
    # 8 spaces per number gives nice, even columns.
  let "i += 1"


sift () # Sift out the non-primes.

let i=$LOWER_LIMIT+1
# Let's start with 2.

until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ]

if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ]
# Don't bother sieving numbers already sieved (tagged as non-prime).


  while [ "$t" -le "$UPPER_LIMIT" ]
    let "t += $i "
    # Tag as non-prime all multiples.


  let "i += 1"


# ==============================================
# main ()
# Invoke the functions sequentially.
# This is what they call structured programming.
# ==============================================


exit 0

# -------------------------------------------------------- #
# Code below line will not execute, because of 'exit.'

#  This improved version of the Sieve, by Stephane Chazelas,
#+ executes somewhat faster.

# Must invoke with command-line argument (limit of primes).

UPPER_LIMIT=$1                  # From command-line.
let SPLIT=UPPER_LIMIT/2         # Halfway to max number.

Primes=( '' $(seq $UPPER_LIMIT) )

until (( ( i += 1 ) > SPLIT ))  # Need check only halfway.
  if [[ -n ${Primes[i]} ]]
    until (( ( t += i ) > UPPER_LIMIT ))
echo ${Primes[*]}

exit $?

Example 27.14. The Sieve of Eratosthenes, Optimized

# Optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes
# Script by Jared Martin, with very minor changes by ABS Guide author.
# Used in ABS Guide with permission (thanks!).

# Based on script in Advanced Bash Scripting Guide.
# (

# (reference)
# Check results against

# Necessary but not sufficient would be, e.g.,
#     (($(sieve 7919 | wc -w) == 1000)) && echo "7919 is the 1000th prime"

UPPER_LIMIT=${1:?"Need an upper limit of primes to search."}

Primes=( '' $(seq ${UPPER_LIMIT}) )

typeset -i i t
Primes[i=1]='' # 1 is not a prime.
until (( ( i += 1 ) > (${UPPER_LIMIT}/i) ))  # Need check only ith-way.
  do                                         # Why?
    if ((${Primes[t=i*(i-1), i]}))
    # Obscure, but instructive, use of arithmetic expansion in subscript.
      until (( ( t += i ) > ${UPPER_LIMIT} ))
        do Primes[t]=; done

# echo ${Primes[*]}
echo   # Change to original script for pretty-printing (80-col. display).
printf "%8d" ${Primes[*]}
echo; echo

exit $?

Compare these array-based prime number generators with alternatives that do not use arrays, Example A.15, “Generating prime numbers using the modulo operator”, and Example 16.46, “Generating prime numbers”.


Arrays lend themselves, to some extent, to emulating data structures for which Bash has no native support.

Example 27.15. Emulating a push-down stack

# push-down stack simulation

#  Similar to the CPU stack, a push-down stack stores data items
#+ sequentially, but releases them in reverse order, last-in first-out.

BP=100            #  Base Pointer of stack array.
                  #  Begin at element 100.

SP=$BP            #  Stack Pointer.
                  #  Initialize it to "base" (bottom) of stack.

Data=             #  Contents of stack location.  
                  #  Must use global variable,
                  #+ because of limitation on function return range.

                  # 100     Base pointer       <-- Base Pointer
                  #  99     First data item
                  #  98     Second data item
                  # ...     More data
                  #         Last data item     <-- Stack pointer

declare -a stack

push()            # Push item on stack.
if [ -z "$1" ]    # Nothing to push?

let "SP -= 1"     # Bump stack pointer.


pop()                    # Pop item off stack.
Data=                    # Empty out data item.

if [ "$SP" -eq "$BP" ]   # Stack empty?
fi                       #  This also keeps SP from getting past 100,
                         #+ i.e., prevents a runaway stack.

let "SP += 1"            # Bump stack pointer.

status_report()          # Find out what's happening.
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "REPORT"
echo "Stack Pointer = $SP"
echo "Just popped \""$Data"\" off the stack."
echo "-------------------------------------"

# =======================================================
# Now, for some fun.


# See if you can pop anything off empty stack.


push garbage
status_report     # Garbage in, garbage out.      

value1=23;        push $value1
value2=skidoo;    push $value2
value3=LAST;      push $value3

pop               # LAST
pop               # skidoo
pop               # 23
status_report     # Last-in, first-out!

#  Notice how the stack pointer decrements with each push,
#+ and increments with each pop.


exit 0

# =======================================================

# Exercises:
# ---------

# 1)  Modify the "push()" function to permit pushing
#   + multiple element on the stack with a single function call.

# 2)  Modify the "pop()" function to permit popping
#   + multiple element from the stack with a single function call.

# 3)  Add error checking to the critical functions.
#     That is, return an error code, depending on
#   + successful or unsuccessful completion of the operation,
#   + and take appropriate action.

# 4)  Using this script as a starting point,
#   + write a stack-based 4-function calculator.


Fancy manipulation of array subscripts may require intermediate variables. For projects involving this, again consider using a more powerful programming language, such as Perl or C.

Example 27.16. Complex array application: Exploring a weird mathematical series


# Douglas Hofstadter's notorious "Q-series":

# Q(1) = Q(2) = 1
# Q(n) = Q(n - Q(n-1)) + Q(n - Q(n-2)), for n>2

#  This is a "chaotic" integer series with strange
#+ and unpredictable behavior.
#  The first 20 terms of the series are:
#  1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 9 10 11 11 12 

#  See Hofstadter's book, _Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid_,
#+ p. 137, ff.

LIMIT=100     # Number of terms to calculate.
LINEWIDTH=20  # Number of terms printed per line.

Q[1]=1        # First two terms of series are 1.

echo "Q-series [$LIMIT terms]:"
echo -n "${Q[1]} "             # Output first two terms.
echo -n "${Q[2]} "

for ((n=3; n <= $LIMIT; n++))  # C-like loop expression.
do   # Q[n] = Q[n - Q[n-1]] + Q[n - Q[n-2]]  for n>2
#    Need to break the expression into intermediate terms,
#+   since Bash doesn't handle complex array arithmetic very well.

  let "n1 = $n - 1"        # n-1
  let "n2 = $n - 2"        # n-2
  t0=`expr $n - ${Q[n1]}`  # n - Q[n-1]
  t1=`expr $n - ${Q[n2]}`  # n - Q[n-2]
  T0=${Q[t0]}              # Q[n - Q[n-1]]
  T1=${Q[t1]}              # Q[n - Q[n-2]]

Q[n]=`expr $T0 + $T1`      # Q[n - Q[n-1]] + Q[n - Q[n-2]]
echo -n "${Q[n]} "

if [ `expr $n % $LINEWIDTH` -eq 0 ]    # Format output.
then   #      ^ modulo
  echo # Break lines into neat chunks.



exit 0

#  This is an iterative implementation of the Q-series.
#  The more intuitive recursive implementation is left as an exercise.
#  Warning: calculating this series recursively takes a VERY long time
#+ via a script. C/C++ would be orders of magnitude faster.


Bash supports only one-dimensional arrays, though a little trickery permits simulating multi-dimensional ones.

Example 27.17. Simulating a two-dimensional array, then tilting it

# Simulating a two-dimensional array.

# A one-dimensional array consists of a single row.
# A two-dimensional array stores rows sequentially.

# 5 X 5 Array.

declare -a alpha     # char alpha [Rows] [Columns];
                     # Unnecessary declaration. Why?

load_alpha ()
local rc=0
local index

for i in A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y
do     # Use different symbols if you like.
  local row=`expr $rc / $Columns`
  local column=`expr $rc % $Rows`
  let "index = $row * $Rows + $column"
# alpha[$row][$column]
  let "rc += 1"

#  Simpler would be
#+   declare -a alpha=( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y )
#+ but this somehow lacks the "flavor" of a two-dimensional array.

print_alpha ()
local row=0
local index


while [ "$row" -lt "$Rows" ]   #  Print out in "row major" order:
do                             #+ columns vary,
                               #+ while row (outer loop) remains the same.
  local column=0

  echo -n "       "            #  Lines up "square" array with rotated one.
  while [ "$column" -lt "$Columns" ]
    let "index = $row * $Rows + $column"
    echo -n "${alpha[index]} "  # alpha[$row][$column]
    let "column += 1"

  let "row += 1"


# The simpler equivalent is
#     echo ${alpha[*]} | xargs -n $Columns


filter ()     # Filter out negative array indices.

echo -n "  "  # Provides the tilt.
              # Explain how.

if [[ "$1" -ge 0 &&  "$1" -lt "$Rows" && "$2" -ge 0 && "$2" -lt "$Columns" ]]
    let "index = $1 * $Rows + $2"
    # Now, print it rotated.
    echo -n " ${alpha[index]}"
    #           alpha[$row][$column]


rotate ()  #  Rotate the array 45 degrees --
{          #+ "balance" it on its lower lefthand corner.
local row
local column

for (( row = Rows; row > -Rows; row-- ))
  do       # Step through the array backwards. Why?

  for (( column = 0; column < Columns; column++ ))

    if [ "$row" -ge 0 ]
      let "t1 = $column - $row"
      let "t2 = $column"
      let "t1 = $column"
      let "t2 = $column + $row"

    filter $t1 $t2   # Filter out negative array indices.
                     # What happens if you don't do this?

  echo; echo


#  Array rotation inspired by examples (pp. 143-146) in
#+ "Advanced C Programming on the IBM PC," by Herbert Mayer
#+ (see bibliography).
#  This just goes to show that much of what can be done in C
#+ can also be done in shell scripting.


#--------------- Now, let the show begin. ------------#
load_alpha     # Load the array.
print_alpha    # Print it out.  
rotate         # Rotate it 45 degrees counterclockwise.

exit 0

# This is a rather contrived, not to mention inelegant simulation.

# Exercises:
# ---------
# 1)  Rewrite the array loading and printing functions
#     in a more intuitive and less kludgy fashion.
# 2)  Figure out how the array rotation functions work.
#     Hint: think about the implications of backwards-indexing an array.
# 3)  Rewrite this script to handle a non-square array,
#     such as a 6 X 4 one.
#     Try to minimize "distortion" when the array is rotated.

A two-dimensional array is essentially equivalent to a one-dimensional one, but with additional addressing modes for referencing and manipulating the individual elements by row and column position.

For an even more elaborate example of simulating a two-dimensional array, see Example A.10, “Game of Life.


For more interesting scripts using arrays, see: