3. Bash, version 4

Chet Ramey announced Version 4 of Bash on the 20th of February, 2009. This release has a number of significant new features, as well as some important bugfixes.

Among the new goodies:

3.1. Bash, version 4.1

Version 4.1 of Bash, released in May, 2010, was primarily a bugfix update.

  • The printf command now accepts a -v option for setting array indices.

  • Within double brackets, the > and < string comparison operators now conform to the locale. Since the locale setting may affect the sorting order of string expressions, this has side-effects on comparison tests within [[ ... ]] expressions.

  • The read builtin now takes a -N option (read -N chars), which causes the read to terminate after chars characters.

    Example 37.8. Reading N characters

    # Requires Bash version -ge 4.1 ...
    read -N $num_chars var < $0   # Read first 61 characters of script!
    echo "$var"
    ####### Output of Script #######
    # Requires Bash version -ge 4.1 ...

  • Here documents embedded in $( ... ) command substitution constructs may terminate with a simple ).

    Example 37.9. Using a here document to set a variable

    # here-commsub.sh
    # Requires Bash version -ge 4.1 ...
    multi_line_var=$( cat <<ENDxxx
    This is line 1 of the variable
    This is line 2 of the variable
    This is line 3 of the variable
    #  Rather than what Bash 4.0 requires:
    #+ that the terminating limit string and
    #+ the terminating close-parenthesis be on separate lines.
    # ENDxxx
    # )
    echo "$multi_line_var"
    #  Bash still emits a warning, though.
    #  warning: here-document at line 10 delimited
    #+ by end-of-file (wanted `ENDxxx')

3.2. Bash, version 4.2

Version 4.2 of Bash, released in February, 2011, contains a number of new features and enhancements, in addition to bugfixes.

  • Bash now supports the \u and \U Unicode escape.

    echo -e '\u2630'   # Horizontal triple bar character.
    # Equivalent to the more roundabout:
    echo -e "\xE2\x98\xB0"
                       # Recognized by earlier Bash versions.
    echo -e '\u220F'   # PI (Greek letter and mathematical symbol)
    echo -e '\u0416'   # Capital "ZHE" (Cyrillic letter)
    echo -e '\u2708'   # Airplane (Dingbat font) symbol
    echo -e '\u2622'   # Radioactivity trefoil
    echo -e "The amplifier circuit requires a 100 \u2126 pull-up resistor."
    echo -e $unicode_var      # Female symbol
    printf "$unicode_var \n"  # Female symbol, with newline
    #  And for something a bit more elaborate . . .
    #  We can store Unicode symbols in an associative array,
    #+ then retrieve them by name.
    #  Run this in a gnome-terminal or a terminal with a large, bold font
    #+ for better legibility.
    declare -A symbol  # Associative array.
    echo -ne "${symbol[script_E]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[script_F]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[script_J]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[script_M]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[Rx]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[TEL]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[FAX]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[care_of]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[account]}   "
    echo -ne "${symbol[trademark]}   "


    The above example uses the $' ... ' string-expansion construct.

  • When the lastpipe shell option is set, the last command in a pipe doesn't run in a subshell.

    Example 37.10. Piping input to a read

    # lastpipe-option.sh
    line=''                   # Null value.
    echo "\$line = "$line""   # $line =
    shopt -s lastpipe         # Error on Bash version -lt 4.2.
    echo "Exit status of attempting to set \"lastpipe\" option is $?"
    #     1 if Bash version -lt 4.2, 0 otherwise.
    head -1 $0 | read line    # Pipe the first line of the script to read.
    #            ^^^^^^^^^      Not in a subshell!!!
    echo "\$line = "$line""
    # Older Bash releases       $line =
    # Bash version 4.2          $line = #!/bin/bash

    This option offers possible fixups for these example scripts: Example 34.3, “Piping the output of echo to a read and Example 15.8, “Problems reading from a pipe”.

  • Negative array indices permit counting backwards from the end of an array.

    Example 37.11. Negative array indices

    # neg-array.sh
    # Requires Bash, version -ge 4.2.
    array=( zero one two three four five )   # Six-element array.
    #         0    1   2    3    4    5
    #        -6   -5  -4   -3   -2   -1
    # Negative array indices now permitted.
    echo ${array[-1]}   # five
    echo ${array[-2]}   # four
    # ...
    echo ${array[-6]}   # zero
    # Negative array indices count backward from the last element+1.
    # But, you cannot index past the beginning of the array.
    echo ${array[-7]}   # array: bad array subscript
    # So, what is this new feature good for?
    echo "The last element in the array is "${array[-1]}""
    # Which is quite a bit more straightforward than:
    echo "The last element in the array is "${array[${#array[*]}-1]}""
    # And ...
    let "neg_element_count = 0 - ${#array[*]}"
    # Number of elements, converted to a negative number.
    while [ $index -gt $neg_element_count ]; do
      ((index--)); echo -n "${array[index]} "
    done  # Lists the elements in the array, backwards.
          # We have just simulated the "tac" command on this array.
    # See also neg-offset.sh.

  • Substring extraction uses a negative length parameter to specify an offset from the end of the target string.

    Example 37.12. Negative parameter in string-extraction construct

    # Bash, version -ge 4.2
    # Negative length-index in substring extraction.
    # Important: It changes the interpretation of this construct!
    echo ${stringZ}                              # abcABC123ABCabc
    #                   Position within string:    0123456789.....
    echo ${stringZ:2:3}                          #   cAB
    #  Count 2 chars forward from string beginning, and extract 3 chars.
    #  ${string:position:length}
    #  So far, nothing new, but now ...
                                                 # abcABC123ABCabc
    #                   Position within string:    0123....6543210
    echo ${stringZ:3:-6}                         #    ABC123
    #                ^
    #  Index 3 chars forward from beginning and 6 chars backward from end,
    #+ and extract everything in between.
    #  ${string:offset-from-front:offset-from-end}
    #  When the "length" parameter is negative, 
    #+ it serves as an offset-from-end parameter.
    #  See also neg-array.sh.

[130] To be more specific, Bash 4+ has limited support for associative arrays. It's a bare-bones implementation, and it lacks the much of the functionality of such arrays in other programming languages. Note, however, that associative arrays in Bash seem to execute faster and more efficiently than numerically-indexed arrays.

[131] Copyright 1995-2009 by Chester Ramey.

[132] This only works with pipes and certain other special files.

[133] But only in conjunction with readline, i.e., from the command-line.

[134] And while you're at it, consider fixing the notorious piped read problem.