8.3. Add-on modules

In this section we present some interesting add-on modules for PHP-Nuke:

8.3.1. Daily Comic module

In contrast to the UserFriendly block (Section 8.2.3), which shows only one cartoon, the Daily Comic module will show a whole series of different daily comics from various authors. However, instead of getting the images from the original web pages, it requests them from some third party web page. This way, the mechanics of achieving this result remain hidden to you - which is not very good from the educational point of view, even though the result is very pleasing. See it in action in Coding Network: Daily Comic module. Please read the admonition on copyright in Section 8.2.3, before you decide to use this module!

8.3.2. Event calendar

Based on version 1.5 by Rob Sutton, the Event Calendar (Figure 8-8) found in http://phpnuke.holbrookau.net is much updated and features many improvements and add- ons. For example, the adminstration area features configuration via a graphical interface, posting of events can be mode rated and users even have the option of adding comments to any event.

Figure 8-8. Event Calendar

Event Calendar

For the installation, it is assumed that the user has some knowledge of MySQL and is comfortable with running simple queries before starting. It is highly recommended that you have phpMyAdmin (see Section 3.4) installed on your server - it will simplify installation and help with error tracking.

Figure 8-9. Calendar1 Block

Calendar1 Block

Figure 8-10. Calendar2 Block

Calendar2 Block

Add new Block(s) using one or more of the 5 available calendar block types:

Figure 8-11. Calendar3 Block

Calendar3 Block

Figure 8-12. Calendar4 Block

Calendar4 Block

Figure 8-13. Calendar5 Block

Calendar5 Block

For installation instructions, read the readme.txt file that comes in the docs folder of the unzipped eventcal-xxx.zip file.

8.3.3. NSN Your Account Tweak module

A module that allows the administrator to apply a fine-grained control over user management is NSN Your Account Tweak 650 3.0.2. According to the description, it offers the following features (Figure 8-14):

Figure 8-14. Extra options for user management in the NSN Your Account Tweak module.

Extra options for user management in the NSN Your Account Tweak module.

CautionDownload the right NSN Your Account Tweak version!

Be careful with the version you download from this module! The number 650, for example, indicates that it is only for PHP-Nuke 6.5. Use only the version that is in accordance with your installed PHP-Nuke version, otherwise you are guaranteed to mess up your installation completely.

8.3.4. Approve Membership module

Figure 8-15. Pending applications in the Approve Membership module.

Pending applications in the Approve Membership module.

The Approve Membership module allows an administrator to approve membership applications. The applicant's details are sent to a pending users table and a notification email is sent to the administrator. A list of pending applicants is displayed to the administrator, who can delete or approve as he thinks fit (see Figure 8-15). On approval, the normal email is sent to the applicant with the activation link. The following options are available:

Figure 8-16. Approval message in the Approve Membership module.

Approval message in the Approve Membership module.

See also Authorize accounts for an in-depth discussion.

The new version 3.0 of the Approve Membership module for PHP-Nuke 6.9 offers even more facilities, such as:

Figure 8-17. E-mail management in the Approve Membership module, part I.

E-mail management in the Approve Membership module, part I.

Figure 8-18. E-mail management in the Approve Membership module, part II.

E-mail management in the Approve Membership module, part II.

If you want users to be registered directly, without confirmation mails, see Section 18.6.5 or the New User Auto Activation Hack and the Auto Registration Activation For Nuke v7.0. If you want to disable registration, see Section 18.6.4.

8.3.5. Gallery module

The Gallery module from Nuked Gallery is the “nuked” version of the standalone Gallery package. Gallery comes with a handy web based configuration wizard. This wizard helps to make sure that your web server and operating system are set up correctly. It allows you to configure many of Gallery's options while determining as much as it can from your environment. The wizard will create an administrator account for you. This is a special account that allows you to create other user accounts, create albums, and set album permissions.

Figure 8-19. Gallery module.

Gallery module.

A photo or movie is the basic unit of Gallery. Photos and movies are grouped together into albums (Figure 8-19). Once you have the photos in your album, the fun begins. Typically an intermediate resized version and a thumbnail of the image are created for you. You can:

Figure 8-20. Gallery related files at nukedgallery.

Gallery related files at nukedgallery.

To download the Gallery module, go to Nuked Gallery, find the “Related files” block (Figure 8-20) and click on the link with the most recent stable version. Other Gallery related resources are

8.3.6. IP Tracking module

Figure 8-21. IP Tracking module: IP Tracking Info.

IP Tracking module: IP Tracking Info.

To track your visitors' IP address, you can use the IP tracking module. Get it at the Downloads section of ierealtor. After installation and activation of the module, a click on the “IP Tracking” link in the Modules block will display the “IP Tracking Info”, a list of IP addresses that accessed the site (Figure 8-21). You can order the list by ascending or descending order of its column fields, by clicking on the respective up- and down-arrows.

TipLazy man's Logfile Inspection

Nothing beats regular inspection of the real web server logfiles - but if you are lazy, you want a quick info of what is going on, or you cannot do otherwise, the IP Tracking module will give you a quick solution to your logfile inspection problem. In the Page View Info (Figure 8-22), be attentive to URL parameters that pass Javascript code or SQL queries to the database - they are a clear indication of cross-scripting (Section 23.3.1) and SQL injection (Section 23.3.2) attempts at your site respectively.

Figure 8-22. IP Tracking module: Page View Info.

IP Tracking module: Page View Info.

The IP addresses themeselves are links to a detailed view, the “Page View Info” (Figure 8-22). It lists the pages that were requested by that IP address. Again, you can order the list by name or date using the arrows on the table header. Note: administrators won't appear online since they are not entered in the nuke_session table.

CautionCode corrections necessary for PHP-Nuke v. 6.0 and/or old PHP versions!

If you get the error:

You can't access this file directly...

then you are using an old PHP version that does not understand the _SERVER superglobal. Edit the index.php file of the module and change:

if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {


if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {

You also have to edit iptracking.php. Change:









if (($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) != "") 
{ $pg = $pg . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ; }


{ $pg = $pg . "?" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"] ; }

If you are getting MySQL errors like the one of Section 3.9.2, complaining about non-valid MySQL result resources, then you are probably using an old PHP-Nuke version (like 6.0, for example) that uses the field “username”, instead of “uname” in the nuke_session table. In this case you have to change “uname” to “username” in the two WHERE clauses of the index.php file of the module. Change:

$res = sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_session 
where uname='$username' and host_addr='$ip'", $dbi);


$res = sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_session 
where username='$username' and host_addr='$ip'", $dbi);


$res2 = sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_session 
where host_addr='$ip' and host_addr=uname", $dbi);


$res2 = sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_session 
where host_addr='$ip' and host_addr=username", $dbi);

If your main motivation for using the IP tracking module is to be able to ban certain annoying visitors from certain IPs, check also the Protector module (Section 8.3.7) for a ready-made, full-featured solution to IP banning, as well as Section 23.5 for a quick, do-it-yourself hack.

8.3.7. Protector module

The Protector System gives you "high level" logs of session activity on your PHP-Nuke site. But not only this - it can be effectively used to ban IP addresses and users:

8.3.8. WebCam module

Figure 8-23. camPortal block.

camPortal block.

If you are looking for a webcam module, have a look at the camPortal. See it in action at The Sceptics Hour. camPortal's highlights include:

Figure 8-24. camPortal module.

camPortal module.

You must have at least PHP-Nuke 6.5 and a newer PHP version (one that understands the _SERVER superglobal, for example) to use this module. The installation instructions are a bit outdated. In some parts, for example, they talk about “webcam”, when atually it should say “camPortal” - but with knowledge of the structure of a PHP-Nuke module (see Section 21.1) you will figure it out.

To grab the images from your webcam, you can use ConquerCam. ConquerCam is a low-priced (only $10 USD), easy to use webcam manager for grabbing images from your web cam under Windows, preparing them with various effects and uploading them to your web site (where you can use camPortal to display them in PHP-Nuke). Using ConquerCam you are able to setup your computer as a security system as well, using the advanced motion detection and mail-notification system included.

Figure 8-25. ConquerCam: main window with the Options dialog opened up.

ConquerCam: main window with the Options dialog opened up.

ConquerCam can be customized in a variety of ways, e.g. by selecting how often you want to grab and upload images, which overlay effects you want to use (many of the well-known Adobe PhotoShop effects are available, such as Multiply or Darken) and unlimited numbers of textual captions to put on your grabbed image using a bunch of tags. Tags are replaced by dynamic data such as current date/time, WinAMP title currently playing or the Swatch Internet Time.

8.3.9. My Headlines module

Figure 8-26. MyHeadlines Box containing syndicated content.

MyHeadlines Box containing syndicated content.

MyHeadlines is a personalized syndicated content module. As a user you may subscribe to many news/content sources from the MyHeadlines database. For each of your subscriptions this site will gather the latest headlines/stories/content from the source and present a consolidated view of all of your interests in one location. The MyHeadlines engine allows you to configure the layout of this page to suit your needs; It will allow you to place the "Boxes" containing the syndicated content (Figure 8-26) in any one of three possible places (Left, Right or Middle) on two rows (Top and Bottom) of the module's space on the front page.

Figure 8-27. MyHeadlines: Subscribing to News sources.

MyHeadlines: Subscribing to News sources.

There are over 1000 sources in the MyHeadlines database: from special interest groups, to regional news, to technology sites, to company/corporation specific news, and more. You can subscribe to the content you want. As an added bonus, MyHeadlines now sports a Stock Ticker "Box" that will allow you to watch your favourite Index, Stock, Bond, etc.

Download it from the Downloads section of jmagar.com. See also the MyHeadlines FAQ. See it in action at jmagar and weenor.

8.3.10. PHP-Nuke-Tools module

Figure 8-28. PHP-Nuke Tools block

PHP-Nuke Tools block

The PHP-Nuke Tools module is one of the most helpful modules. Whether you are developing for PHP-Nuke or want to write a module or block really quickly, or even if you just want to learn how modules, blocks and the rest works in PHP-Nuke, you will appreciate its help.. It offers features such as:

Figure 8-29. PHP-Nuke Tools module: Module Creator.

PHP-Nuke Tools module: Module Creator.

and many others. It comes with an extra block containing links to all functions (Figure 8-28). See it in action at disipal.net.

TipEspecially recommended for beginners (but not only)!

You are a beginner in PHP(-Nuke), have just started your very first module or block, but you get errors and don't understand why? Give it a try with the PHP-Nuke Tools Module or Block Creator! It will help you see what you were missing and will also give you a feeling of how code looks before and after it is "nuked".

For a much more ambitious project on automatic building of PHP-Nuke blocks and modules (towards a web-based integrated programming environment, IDE, for PHP-Nuke) ckeck Raven's Block Builder. It is currently under development, but very promising.

8.3.11. Upload module

Figure 8-30. Upload module.

Upload module.

The PHP-Nuke Upload module facilitates upload functionality for PHP-Nuke and has the following features:

ImportantPHP-Nuke versions greater than 6.5 and the Upload module

If you are using a version of PHP-Nuke greater than 6.5, you must do a minimal, but crucial, change in the index.php file of the Upload file. Otherwise, the SQL queries will use the wrong field (uid, instead of user_id) for the user in the nuke_users table, leading to errors. Find the line

if ($Version_Num == "6.5") {

and change it to:

if ($Version_Num >= "6.5") {

This will make sure that the right field names are used for all versions greater or equal to 6.5, not only for the 6.5 version.

8.3.12. Upload add-on for phpBB

If you are interested in an Upload add-on for your phpBB Forums, then you can check Photo Album Addon. This is a phpBB-based photo album/gallery management system. It is really powerful, stable, efficient, rich in features and highly customizable. The version 2 was written from the scratch for more security, performance, etc. It is not really a modification or hack, it is rather a phpBB-based system.


WarningMay not work with every PHP-Nuke version!

The Photo Album is an add-on for the standalone phpBB Forums. It has been ported to PHP-Nuke with the Album module (see the Admin Panel Downloads Category of portedmods). This module was only tested with PHP-Nuke 6.5RC2 with phpbb module 2.1 and does not work on a site with the 2.0.6b version of the phpBB module!

For yet another file attachment add-on to the PHP-Nuke phpBB Forums, see the “Attachment Mod” from the PHP-Nuke 6.5 / Ported Mods / Extra Downloads section of portedmods. See File Attachment Mod v2.3.6 for phpnuke6 with 2.06 for a complete list of its features. For a discussion thread on Upload modules, see I cant find this Upload module.

8.3.13. ODP module

Figure 8-31. ODP module.

ODP module.

The ODP module displays the popular Open Directory inside your PHP-Nuke site (Figure 8-31). It is based on the phpodp class. The whole functionality is encapsulated in the phpodp class in odp.php. The PHP-Nuke module practically only calls the odp.php script.

If you would like to import all links of an ODP category into your Web Links or Downloads module, have a look in Section 27.5 and Section 27.6 respectively for some interesting procedures.

8.3.14. eCommerce module

There is certainly a lot going on currently in the area of eCommerce and PHP-Nuke. However, a ready-to-use PHP-Nuke port of the well-known osCommerce has yet to hit the streets. Keep an eye on the following promising links:

Figure 8-32. Calloways Cart module: Add Product screen.

Calloways Cart module: Add Product screen.

For the moment, you could try CallowaysCart, a shopping cart recently released under the GPL and especially designed for PHP-Nuke (all versions) and Paypal's payment service (Figure 8-32).

A commercial (but with $35 USD certainly not expensive) eCommerce solution for PHP-Nuke is Emporium. The following is an incomplete list of its features, but bear in mind that, since Emporium is under active and rapid development, it will be outdated by the time you read this:

Instead of relying on a feature list, a better idea might be to test Emporium: you can go to the Emporium demo site ([admin: demo, pass: demo]), and have full access to Emporium and all of its features.

8.3.15. WorkBoard Module

Figure 8-33. Administration panel: WorkBoard.

Administration panel: WorkBoard.

WorkBoard is a PHP-Nuke module for Project Management, distributed under the GNU General Public Licence.

To install WorkBoard,

Once installed, a click on the WorkBoard icon in the administration panel (Figure 8-33) leads to the WorkBoard administration panel (Figure 8-34). There, you can set up

Figure 8-34. WorkBoard module: Administration panel.

WorkBoard module: Administration panel.

The WorkBoard module is still under rapid development.



To find out if you have the GD library loaded, run a test script like test.php (see Section, ConnectTest.php (see Section or analyze.php (see Section


See Section 25.6 for a do-it-yourself solution to hot link prevention.